Monday, February 16, 2009

Think Creative & Use Your Treasure(Creativity) Widely~!!

Hie, I'm Loh Chee Khoon, can call me as Zijun or CK.

First of all, what do i means by "Creative" as "success" and "Creativity" as "treasure"? It's because, as a human we need always thinks on the positive side, that is success but not failure. After we Success, we will earn something from its, so we can categorize it as "Treasure"... Once you think CREATIVE, sure you able to use your CREATIVITY on everythings...

Introduction to creative studies

Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative conception of creativness is that it is simply the act of making something new. (WIKIPEDIA)

Creativity is an Ability to invent or create a new thing. We can get our ideas or images from existing ideas or images.

Creativity could be an attitude that any person has it in his\her personality, no matter the person is he\she has a part of creativity in him\hers.

" Much of the thinking done in formal education emphasizes the skills of analysis--teaching students how to understand claims, follow or create a logical argument, figure out the answer, eliminate the incorrect paths and focus on the correct one. However, there is another kind of thinking, one that focuses on exploring ideas, generating possibilities, looking for many right answers rather than just one. Both of these kinds of thinking are vital to a successful working life. "
by Robert Harris
Version Date: July 1, 1998

How to be creative by AlecRios
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein. There are over 6 billion people in this world and they all learn something new every day. The way to be unique is to apply your knowledge differently. This concept I’m talking about is called “creativity.”

Creativity is art, and art is everywhere. Because of this, being creative is a very important quality to have. Some people are born with a more imaginative mind. This is simply a talent, and just like any other talent, it’s very possible to acquire. For those born with a more “factual” or “less abstract” mind instead, you will have to work harder to think creatively, but it’s not the end of the race. Some people just happen to have a head start.

If you’re working on a project – or anything that requires some creative thinking – follow these 10 steps:

1. Forget everything. Ignore all your prior knowledge. Try to create a virtually unbiased mindset. With a clean slate you’ll be able to create what you really feel and not what’s there or how society defines it. Now you’re free to do anything.

2. Regain unique perception. You were born with a different way of thinking and somewhere along the line it’s lost. This line you travel down is made up of society’s poison that constricts your imagination. This happens to be the same line that’s drawn as the boundary of creativity (discussed more in #7). Regain your unique mind by just being you. “You” is roughly defined as “not someone else.” Live up to this by making your own path – this will also ensure a traffic-free experience. If you follow in someone else’s footsteps or shadow or whatever figurative object you want to use, you’re essentially striving to be like them - and if you succeed, what do we need you for?

3. Get inspired. Listen to some good music, look at pictures and other artwork. Really, inspiration can come from anywhere. This is a vital step in becoming a better [your name here], because inspiration will remind you of the possibilities out there and how achievable they really are.

4. Become motivated. Motivation is fed by inspiration - they go hand in hand. When your ears are captivated by some unbelievable guitar work or your eyes become fixed on a beautiful painting, you’ll naturally long to call something like that your own. You’re going to work twice as hard to accomplish that. Surround yourself with inspiration and I guarantee you’ll absorb some encouragement and become a better artist just through diffusion alone.

5. Learn the rules. There are plenty of people around the world sharing your goal. Observe the ones that actually achieved it and learn from them. If your working on a website, take a look at Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. Learn their story and see how they did it.

6. Learn how to break them. After you’ve studied the notable artists in your craft, you realize how to be successful. Now, you know exactly what not to do. Remember: create your own path to success. Being creative is being unique, and to be unique requires knowledge of what not to do. Having the same goal is perfectly fine; just try to find a different way to get there.

7. Ignore limitations. The word “impossible” is roughly defined as “not yet achieved.” Be the first. A big part of creativity is to redefine the boundaries of art. The boundaries were set by other people and since each person has their own limitations they don’t apply to you anyway. Think about what you want to do and when it’s so called “impossible”, find a way.

8. Relax. Take some time to reflect and learn about yourself. Art is about expressing who you are which is pretty tough when you don’t know that vital piece of information. Go into each project calmly and know your goals. Never force yourself to do something creative. “Feeling it” is the most important factor in creativity. Sometimes my mind wants to draw or write a new song on guitar and I sit down but nothing happens. My paper remains inkless and my frets fingerless. Even when you follow all the above steps you may not be able to create simply because you lack that “feeling.” Wait for it. Let it come to you. It’s worth it.

9. Get an Idea. First off, forget boxes. Don’t think outside of one, because that’s what everyone’s trying to do these days, and don’t think inside of one, because that’s what we’re trying to get away from in the first place. Seriously, the idea will come to you. Recognizing it is the hard part. At first glance, you might not appreciate the real potential it has, but how you execute the idea is often more important than the idea itself. Do something that will change the way people think about an everyday item. Being original is vital in carrying out any concept you want to leave an effect on people.

10. Create. It’s called “creativity” for a reason. Don’t finish what was started and don’t change what’s already done. Create – start something new. Once you’ve followed these steps you’ll have a clear, unique, relaxed, and unbounded mind, filled with the inspiration, motivation, and knowledge of your craft to execute your one-of-a-kind idea.

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